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Why is Glycine Used in Aspirin?

Aspirin is one of the widely used Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) in the medical field. It is used to relieve fever, mild to moderate pain and swelling in some of the inflammatory conditions. Furthermore, aspirin has antiplatelet properties as well, hence low-dose aspirin is commonly used to lower the risk of cerebrovascular accidents such as transient ischaemic attack and stroke, coronary heart disease such as heart attack and so on.

Why is glycine used in aspirin?

Because aspirin is an irreversible inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (COX), it has a strong antiplatelet effect. In platelets, COX-1 is needed for the production of the prothrombotic factor thromboxane A2 (TXA2). Platelets, like megakaryocyte fragments, without a nucleus and so cannot synthesise additional COX when it is permanently blocked by aspirin. As a result, in order to recover from the permanent suppression of COX-1 in platelets, your body must produce new platelets to wear off the aspirin’s antiplatelet effect. However, a platelet has an average lifespan of 8 to 9 days, which alternately means aspirin’s antiplatelet effect is strong and long-lasting.

In the stomach, however, inhibiting COX-1 inhibits the synthesis of protective prostaglandins, increasing the risk of gastrointestinal irritation and peptic ulcers. This is the cause for the common side effect of aspirin, gastritis or stomach ache.

Glycine on the other hand is a neutral amino acid, has been investigated for its potential to suppress gastric secretion and protect the stomach mucosa against chemical and stress-induced ulcers. This specific ability allows glycine to decrease the negative effects of aspirin by reducing acid buildup and risk of stomach lining damage. Hence it is commonly prescribed together with aspirin to counter and to reduce the risk of the relevant side effect, gastritis.

According to some studies and recorded data, it shows that the enhanced tolerability profile found in the combination of glycine and aspirin formulation, glyprin shows a significant benefit over non glycine-containing aspirin treatment for up to 10 percent. Alternatively, the combination of glycine with aspirin improves long-term therapy compliance. Furthermore, the recent reports showed that roughly around 98 percent of long-run patients evaluated the tolerability of this combination as “great” or “excellent”.

The Safety Of Using Glycine With Aspirin

The evidence for the effectiveness of glycine in increasing gastrointestinal tolerance of aspirin as well as having anti-platelet effects is limited to date. However, because glycine is a typical dietary amino acid, the risk-to-benefit ratio of adding glycine in aspirin formulations for use in anti-platelet medication treatment is low.

The possible self-limiting side effects of using glycine are soft stools, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort. This was only reported in a small fraction of users; most of the users are happy, without experiencing any of these side effects. Hence, glycine is generally safe for most individuals when taken orally.

Under certain circumstances, such as pregnant and breastfeeding ladies, due to insufficient credible evidence to determine if glycine is safe to use while pregnant or breast-feeding. Therefore, avoid using it to be on the safe side.


This medicine, glyprin, must be administered orally. Also, adhere to the following instructions, swallow the medicine whole, with plenty of water. It should not be crunched, chewed, or damaged in any way. If the medicine is intended for regular use, it is best to take it at the same time every day.

In general speaking, for individuals who require aspirin for long-term treatment, the doses for aspirin must be as prescribed by their doctor. Nevertheless, the doses for glyprin, 1 tablet per day should be sufficient for most individuals. Please consult with your doctor for their opinions if you are uncertain, for your best benefits.

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