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What are Digital Signage Prices and Costs?

When you start to examine the ‘Digital Signage’ system, you first ask yourself the following questions: “What are the Digital Signage prices and costs? How much will digital signage cost me?” This is an important query and one that will most likely directly impact your decision on whether digital signage is right for you.

So, what are Digital Signage prices? How much Digital signage will cost me?

Digital signage prices vary depending on what you want to achieve. If you are going to show a static menu, picture, or a fixed video all the time, and it will be a single screen display, the answer is very simple. Digital signage can even be free if you have a professional-grade display.

If you have a professional screen and simple functionality will do the trick, there is much free digital signage software available. If you have screens from brands such as LG Samsung, each brand has free software that offers simple functionality.

In general, if the content you will show on the screens is very simple and not updated frequently, these free applications will not interrupt the content even when your internet connection is interrupted. These devices allow content playback via a USB drive even without the need for any software.

When do digital signage prices start to rise?

If you have multiple screens or are a multi-branch business, the situation starts to change here.

Security: How much security can you provide by intervening manually or playing from a USB device?

Scalability: How will you scale up when you have to have multiple devices?

Capabilities: Will the hardware and software you choose to support more functional content in the future? Will you be able to project any content you want to the screens?

Cost: How much will this cost you, and will you be able to afford it?

Of course, elements such as security and scale are also important, but it is necessary to take a closer look at the capability part.

Capability is what a digital signage system can do, is one of the topics we discuss most with our potential customers. Often, we hold long meetings with our clients to help them understand exactly what they want from the digital signage system. The main target here is “What does our customer need to reach his goal?” answer the question. Sometimes our customers are looking for software at a more affordable price than our offer. We understand this and always recommend that they do market research. But when it comes to the talent part, we need to illuminate them in detail.

Content: Customers who do less research often think that their digital signage content comes pre-built in the software. But no digital signage software comes with special content for you. Some customers may be surprised when they learn that they will create the content themselves. We illuminate them in detail on this matter. Having the content designed by an agency creating it yourself are a few options that provide a solution to this. Still, for customers who do not want to be involved in this process, we offer the option of preparing content. The digital signage price varies when we control screen management and content preparation.

Split the screen or play full-screen content: If a digital signage network with only a few screens and full screen (without splitting the screen into sections) is to be installed, the software costs can be very low or free of charge. However, if there is a need to split the screen and play different content in more than one area, the software costs will be added to the price.

An example of full-screen content

Digital Signage Prices

This example uses full-screen content (video or image). No special software is required to divide the screen into parts.

An example of the content where the screen is partitioned

Digital Signage Prices

In this example, the screen is partitioned into multiple areas. This partitioning process cannot be used fully with free software.

In the first example, we see that a static picture or video is projected onto the screen. This content can be projected onto screens in a very simple way. The first example for a digital signage network consisting of one or two screens can be set up with free software.

The second example shows a more advanced design. This design is very difficult to do with simple digital signage software. Dynamic fields in content can be updated from a database. Or it may be necessary to pull data from weather or RSS feeds. In such cases, assuming that the number of screens is too large, it is clear that a more advanced solution is needed.

Many sub-titles can be created about the talent part, but to return to the subject, the hardware or software needed will start to take shape after you know what you want. However, costs and digital signage prices also become clear.

Digital Signage Hardware Prices

So far, we’ve always talked about digital signage functionality and software costs. The main cost here is the hardware part. On the hardware avple, just like software, project prices may differ depending on the number of units, but there are the main metrics that determine the price in hardware;

Screen size (inch)

Number of screens

Screen brightness (Nit)

Screen working hour (7/16 or 24/7)

Resolution (1080p, 4K, 8K)

These are the main factors that affect display hardware prices. In addition, the screen brand and model can create changes on the pricey side. As ScreenMoove, we offer many hardware solutions from Sharp/NEC, Vestel, iiyama, LG, Samsung, and different brands. You can be sure that we will create the most affordable digital signage system offer for your project.

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