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Top 5 Reasons Why Mom Is Better Off in an Assisted Living Facility Than At Home

While many seniors and their caregivers support the concept of “aging in place” at home, assisted living facilities provide a variety of advantages that aren’t always available to elderly citizens who live at home. Are you unsure whether assisted living would be the best option for an elderly relative? There are numerous benefits to choosing senior living, but we’ve compiled a few of our favorites.

Check out our five simple reasons that allow family members and their loved ones to experience more peace of mind.

Seniors Choose Assisted Living for Five Reasons

Many older adults spend their golden years in facilities of this kind. The following are some of the primary factors that influence how many mothers and individuals choose to retire and spend their free time in assisted living facilities:

1. Security

Safety is one of the most crucial considerations of aging alone at home. The risks and threats that older individuals and mothers who live independently in their homes are exposed to range from serious falls and prescription errors to burglaries. Communities for assisted living are made to offer elders safe and cozy surroundings. Communities have alert systems in apartments and secure entrances so residents can readily contact for assistance in an emergency. Additionally, direct care personnel are accessible day and night to help your loved one with daily activities in a crisis.

2. Socialization

While many mothers worry that moving into assisted living will cause them to lose touch with friends and family, the opposite frequently occurs. Developing new relationships with staff, residents, and volunteers is possible daily in senior living homes! 

Activities and gatherings are ideal for meeting people since they provide lots of chances for conversation and fellowship. Group activities like cooking classes, reading clubs, gym classes, and outings offer a terrific opportunity to keep active and stimulate the mind, body, and soul. Meanwhile, your loved one can interact (on a lesser scale) one-on-one with others through coffee conversations, card games, and social events. Additionally, keep in mind that their neighbors might be facing similar reductions in mobility, health, and other aspects as your elderly loved one. Living in a community can also assist prevent an unanticipated decline in social chances at home.

3. Having Meals with Others

Regarding social interaction, meals provide the perfect setting for fending against loneliness. However, that is not the only factor that makes the dining experience significant. As appetites tend to decline with age, Mothers may eat less or choose unhealthy foods to avoid taking the extra time to prepare a good meal, both of which can harm their health. In addition to offering a balanced diet and nutrients, meals in senior living facilities often encourage participants to socialize with nearby neighbors, friends, and family members. Make sure to look for an apartment with a kitchenette if your loved one still enjoys cooking. If not, many communities have a sizable family-style kitchen open to residents and visitors.

4. Transport

It may soon become unsafe or expensive for many elderly people and mothers to continue driving. Family members’ busy schedules make it difficult for many caregivers to take a loved one to and from the senior center, doctor’s office, grocery store, or pharmacy. Assisted living facilities provide door-to-door transportation services to take your loved one to neighborhood shopping malls and community events. Medical appointment transportation can also be provided. The option of on-site transportation may make the transfer a little more alluring for your elderly loved one if they are concerned about their mobility.

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5. Mental Calm

Owning a home is not only pricey but also has its share of hassles. Seasonal changes may require raking leaves or shoveling snow, and storm threats can result in power outages or other damage at any time. Most of the time-consuming chores associated with routine home maintenance fall on family caregivers. The maintenance team in an assisted living facility takes care of and manages any issues that arise. Doing this means you won’t have to deal with dishonest contractors or allocate time for numerous excursions to the neighborhood hardware store. In addition to the maintenance being handled by the neighborhood, managing a smaller apartment instead of a three-bedroom house becomes considerably more accessible daily. A small apartment can result in “fewer things” and more time to spend with family rather than scheduling a week for “spring cleaning” or allocating a weekend to organize mom’s house.

Recognize the advantages of assisted living for a loved one

Contact one of A Place for Mom’s free Senior Living Advisors if you believe your mother would benefit from assisted living. They can assist you in figuring out the many care options and identifying the ideal kind of nearby community for your loved one. Talk about your mother’s preferred pastimes, interests, and health requirements for a customized consultation.

Choose the Most Beneficial Senior Living Option

We hope this information has given you a general understanding of your options for the assisted living of your loved one. Since many mothers live in the community, it’s essential to understand their housing options and how certain facilities could enable them to live better, more independent lives.

Still uncertain? Check out the services Optimum Personal Care provides. Their staff is dedicated to providing your loved one with the best hands-on care in a setting that fosters tranquility, security, and community. They are conscious of the effects that love, compassion, and a strong sense of purpose have on residents’ mental well-being in a “home away from home.” They also allow your family to spend as much time as they like visiting your loved one on the premises.

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