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Things About Coffee Tamper You May Not Have Known

Preparation is the key to making a perfect cup of coffee. The first step in preparation tamping or leveling grounds evenly around an espresso machine’s port filter and securing them with your thumb, so they don’t fly off while you’re pressing down on it with force enough for water compression (and flavor extraction), must be done correctly if we want our drinks tasting great! 

The next part involves placing freshly ground beans inside wet Tellus vacuum packs specifically designed for this process.

Tampering is compressing ground coffee shops nearby to create resistance which allows for a little space between compressed cake and screen through which water flows out during brewing. Tamper tools are necessary because without them; we cannot tamp properly – if there isn’t enough surface area on top due to expansion once wetted by hot beverage- making it difficult yet important at the same time!


The coffee tamper is a crucial component of espresso brewing. It ensures that grounds are evenly distributed for you to make the perfect cup every time! There’s one trick, though- before settling on any particular brand or type, check out these factors:

  1. Diameter – does it fit snugly against your portafilter? If not, then go bigger; 
  2. Shape/Size – Is square better than round because I want minimal movement during extraction, so there’s less pressure applied onto the surface area being extracted from, which results in greater consistency & quality.

Types of 


Tampers come in different shapes and sizes, but a good tamper is made from lightweight metal. This will help to keep your espresso machine clean by preventing soap buildup on the filter baskets over time–so there’s no need for you to spend more money trying to find one perfect piece! If it sounds like too much work when shopping around at first, then just know that Barista Style tampers are available as single-sided (good if all ports match) or double-sided ones with options such as having both smaller holes so they’ll fit through larger openings better. Here are the four basic types of tampers:

Dual-Head Tamper

This is a popular choice with baristas because it allows them to use two different filters at once. It looks like an asymmetrical dumbbell with small and large ends, but when you grip both parts in your hand, they feel the same size, so there’s no guesswork involved as long as someone knows their way around coffee!

Handle Tamper 

These tampers can be mistaken for rubber stamps. They have a knob material, mostly made from metal or wood and often hardwood, that allows you to apply more force when stamping coffee beans into your filter basket with ease! These are popular among baristas because they work just like any other utensil, but at much greater efficiency, so it’s no wonder why this particular type has become such an integral part of our profession over time

Weight-Calibrated tamper

A tamper is a critical tool in the process of making coffee. With this version, you can monitor how much force it takes for ground beans to push through soil or water and into your cup; perfect if there’s not enough weight on one side!

Choose the Right Tamper

When you buy a new tamper, there are some things to consider. For example: do I want the low-quality espresso, or isn’t my hand holding its weight just fine? 

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