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KBC Office: Official Number

KBC provides safer fraud protection measures. For all lottery winners of the past or new season, you can get solid information about the lottery on the official website. You can check the KBC lottery online from our website. You can also get the head office number from the official website.

Under the name Kaun Banega Carore pati Lottery (KBC Lottery), people deceive innocent people. Therefore, trust only official phones and SMS. The official KBC office number is 00919692788947. Also, the official contact information for WhatsApp is 00919692788947. Except for these two site numbers, there are no phone numbers. All explanations other than these two are false and false. We are in Delhi. There are also offices in Mumbai and Kolkata.

Contacting us via the official phone number is the easiest and safest way to get real information. We have strengthened our security system to protect people from fraud. Therefore, if you receive a phone number other than the official phone number on behalf of the NCB, please contact the exchange.

All Indian SIM Cards WhatsApp Lucky Draw-Important Information for All KBC Customers

All India Sim Card WhatsApp There are many scammers working on scams under the name Lucky Draw. Not sure who to trust for fear of scammers? I know there are a lot of scammers who send text messages, phone calls, text messages and claim to win the KBC WhatsApp lottery, so don’t trust them. When a scammer contacts you and wants to deposit money in your personal account, it’s very easy to find it. This is the only official website and all other websites with KBC names are fake. Therefore, if you immediately contact the KBC office at 00919692788947 and report a fraudster, we will take strict measures.

You also need to know that Pakistan has a number (923 ******, + 923 *****) that are deceiving innocent people. We want to protect you from all scammers, so don’t listen to them and contact the KBC office directly at 00919692788947. If you don’t have credit on your SIM card, you can also contact call Amitabh Bachchan number 00919692788947. We are not responsible for communicating with the wrong person. Join the All India Sim Card WhatsApp Lucky Draw and secure the future with us.

Benefits of communicating with KBC office phones

More information about KBC lottery checks is only available from the official phone number of our headquarters.

In addition to factual information, you will also receive the latest lottery news and a list of winners.

Anyone who receives a call or text other than the official number that claims to be speaking at the NCB is a scammer. Never believe in KBC when he says you have won the award.

If you have access to real numbers, you need to know that the call to +923 is fake. Under no circumstances should you answer such calls.

Please do not open the application page or the link with the mobile phone. The KBC lottery winners have one thing in common. It means that you don’t believe in these excessive phone calls or fake text messages.

KBC WhatsApp Lottery-KBCIMO Office Number

If you’re looking for the KBC official website or the KBC WhatsApp lottery, you’re in the right place! If you have any questions or need information about the KBC Lottery, please contact KBC Headquarters (2022 00919692788947). We will help you solve the problem. If you don’t have credit on your SIM card, you can also contact us via WhatsApp KBC 00919692788947.

This is the only official KBC website and all other sites with KBC names are fake. Therefore, do not trust the information received via SMS, phone or WhatsApp messages. They are all scammers deceiving innocent Indians. We are not responsible for communicating with the wrong person. You can also call the KBC hotline 00919692788947.

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