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How to take care of Skin

Almost everyone dreams of beautiful skin. We are ready to invest a huge amount of effort, time, and money to achieve this dream, visit cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, try various procedures, buy expensive creams – to achieve the ideal. But sometimes, it turns out that it is enough to take a few completely simple steps for our skin to look good.

Stop cleansing the skin harshly.

We often go overboard in the fight for beautiful, clean skin. We use aggressive means for washing, after which, it seems to us, the skin becomes clean, you can often hear the expression “already creaks”. What does this tell us? The entire protective layer has been washed off the skin, it is overdried, and it begins to produce fat to recover more actively. As a result, this leads to the early formation of wrinkles, acne, and inflammation. A similar effect can be achieved with the overly active use of scrubs. If you have dry, sensitive, or inflammation-prone skin, scrubs are not allowed at all.


Various devices for mechanical cleansing act even more aggressively on the skin: abrasive sponges, skin brushes, with which we ruthlessly rub our face.

All this leads to the formation of micro damages of the skin’s surface layers. As a result, it becomes coarser, and inflammatory elements appear.

How will it be correct?

Acid cleansers work best to exfoliate dead skin cells and remove blackheads and even complexion. Ask your beautician to find the best cleanser for your skin type.

Do not self-medicate for acne.


No one is happy with pimples and black spots on the skin. Hands stretch out to squeeze them out, and advertising of numerous means promises that if you buy this magic lotion/ointment/cream, everything will disappear in just 5 minutes. Unfortunately, if everything were that simple, there would be no people with problem skin at all – where would they come from if you can get rid of any pimple so easily and quickly?

How will it be correct?

A dermatologist or cosmetologist should carry out acne treatment. The approach to treatment is always complex, and first of all, the doctor will recommend doing a biochemical blood test, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, suggest checking for parasites, possibly referring to an immunologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, or endocrinologist for consultation, if there are indications for this. And only after the problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, genitourinary system, and others have been eliminated can treatment be prescribed.

The approach to acne treatment differs depending on the severity of the disease, the prevalence of the process, the age and gender of the patient.

Since acne most often appears due to hormonal dysfunction, they are usually treated with hormonal contraceptive drugs (for girls only) and retinoids (for both girls and men). All drugs are prescribed only after a comprehensive examination and under constant supervision. The selection of contraceptives is carried out jointly by a gynecologist and a dermatologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Retinoids are a synthetic analogue of vitamin A specially developed specifically for acne treatment. Retinoids, in most cases, allow you to achieve stable remission up to 5-6 years.

For all types of acne, local treatment is required. The drug is selected depending on the severity of the manifestations and the nature of the rash.

In addition to the specific treatment of acne, the doctor will work to eliminate the root cause of the disease: it can be the appointment of drugs that normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract, treatment of parasitosis, the correct selection of cosmetics that will not have a comedogenic effect (does not clog pores), correction of the personal hygiene system.

Do not sunbathe


We have already raised this topic on the pages of our magazine more than once. But it will never be superfluous to repeat: the sun is one of the most formidable enemies of our skin! Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to photoaging, hyperpigmentation, thinning, and drying the skin. The saddest thing is that the damage accumulates gradually, and you can enjoy sunbathing for quite a long time before at one far from the perfect moment you notice that the quality of your skin has deteriorated sharply: a lot of wrinkles have appeared, elasticity has been lost, and ugly spots have appeared on it. It is very difficult to get rid of the consequences of the abuse of the sun’s rays.

How will it be correct?

Protect your skin from the sun all year round! In summer, in the south and winter ski resorts, use a cream with a protection factor (SPF) of at least 50-60, in the city – at least 20-30. And remember that UV protection is needed both in winter and on a cloudy days.

Stop experimenting

Trying something new is always fun. But experiments, especially in beauty and health, do not always lead to good results. The Internet and the pages of magazines are full of various tips: smear your face with kefir, oatmeal, strawberries, make onion hair masks (yes, rub onions and smear your hair: the effect, and most importantly, the smell is amazing!), Crush aspirin tablets and grease with this heels, buy this “unique” cream with an incomprehensible composition on the Chinese site … We think you can not continue – everyone has met these tips many times. And surely every girl can tell a couple of funny or sad (depending on the consequences) stories about her cosmetic experiments.

At best, you will waste time and money; at worst, it will take a long and difficult time to heal damaged skin.

How will it be correct?

Nowadays, many proven, certified, reliable drugs and methods will achieve the desired effect without health risks. A cosmetologist will help you find an effective and safe remedy for almost any skin problem.

Maintain hygiene

Maintain hygiene

It is obvious to everyone that you need to cleanse your skin regularly. But about some other objects that are constantly in contact with our skin.

Phone screen

Wipe your phone screen with special wipes regularly. It has already been proven that there are more bacteria on the phone than on the toilet seat! And if you don’t want all of this to be on your face – and is likely to cause skin irritation – make it a rule to keep your phone clean.

Makeup brushes and sponges

Makeup brushes

All makeup products must be thoroughly cleaned regularly. Brushes and sponges are in constant contact with our skin. Sebum, dust, and makeup residues accumulate on them – all this is a fertile environment for microbes. Therefore, be sure to rinse all your brushes with detergent from time to time and dry them thoroughly. Sponges and sponges can be put in the microwave for a minute after washing for additional disinfection.


Pillows constantly interact with our face, and it is important not to forget that as a result, a lot of things accumulate on the pillowcases: all the same sebum, dust, the remnants of our face creams … Do not forget to change pillowcases on pillows regularly – at least once a week, if you have problem-free skin, and every three days – if there are inflammatory elements on the skin. Choosing pillowcases from natural fabrics is better: cotton, linen, silk.


In autumn and winter, you can often notice that irritation and inflammation appear on the forehead and cheeks. It can be associated with hats, scarves, hoods that protect us from the cold. Of course, we do not suggest going bareheaded in the cold, but be sure to keep track of how often you wash your hats and scarves. Also, pay attention to the hat’s material – some materials can irritate the skin.

We hope our simple tips will help you take a step towards perfect skin!

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