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How to Optimize SEO of a Blog with Easy Steps?

If you have a blog, you will know the importance of its SEO. Anyhow, you may not know how to optimize the SEO of a blog for better ranking. If you fail to optimize the SEO of a blog, you can’t get the required benefits. For this reason, has published a report. According to this report, almost 68% of businessmen have blogs. Among these 68% bloggers, 65% have not updated their blogs for almost one year. If you want to get the required benefits of the blogs, you will have to post fresh and relevant content. Moreover, you should also pay attention to the basic optimization of the blogs. Here, we will discuss simple steps to optimize the SEO HONG KONG of blogs.

Make a Proper Plan of Content With Keyword Research:

When we start a blog, we guess keywords. Based on these guesses, we hope that our viewers will like to read these blog posts. If we want to optimize the SEO of a blog, we should not make guesses. We should do proper keyword research. The proper keyword research will provide an idea of what other people are looking for. It will provide complete information on the keywords based on the search engine data. You can easily use these keywords to make a plan for your content strategy. For proper keyword research, you can make use of various tools like SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs etc.

Create Effective Blog Post Title:

We can’t deny the importance of the blog post title while doing SEO. After creating an effective blog post title, you can make the blog posts relevant to the search queries. When viewers see this kind of blog post title, they will try to click on it. If you want to optimize SEO of blog post, you should adjust your focused keyword in the blog post title. While adjusting the focused keyword, you should make sure that your blog post should be catchy and click-worthy for the viewers. This thing will play a vital role in improving the CTR of your website.

Never Ignore Internal Linking:

No doubt, you have shared lots of blog posts on your blog. It means that you have shared enough content for the readers. Now, you can include the links of your older posts in the newer posts. This is the best way to send visitors to the older blog posts. When you follow this technique, you can optimize the engagement rate of your website. It is also the best way to create a contextual relationship between newer and older blog posts. When you make it a habit, you can easily optimize the SEO of blogs.

Make Blog Posts Easier to Read:

You should pay enough attention to readability to optimize SEO of blogs. The search engine is considering it as an important factor to improve the ranking of a blog post. It is also the best way to improve the user-friendliness of your website. According to research, the visitors spend less than a second to decide whether they have to stay on a particular website or not. If you will increase the readability of the blog posts, you can encourage the visitors to stay on your posts. To improve the readability of blog posts, you can include shorter paragraphs, headings, sub-headings and bullet points etc.

Organize the Content:

For the organization of the content on your website, you can make use of categories and tags. It will allow you, your readers and search engines to sort out the content on your website. The new bloggers make incorrect use of the categories and tags. In the categories, they should keep the most discussed topics on their blogs. On the other hand, they can use tags to discuss the most important topics of an individual blog post. After using them correctly, they can get maximum SEO benefits.

Aim for Featured Snippets:

According to a dissertation help firm, Google is trying to provide the possible answers to the questions of the users quickly. That’s why Google has introduced featured snippets. In this box, Google can show the highlighted answer to a search query. To show this answer, Google analyzes the blog posts. During this analysis, they pick a blog post that its algorithms believe is the suitable answer to this question. If you succeed in showing your blog post in featured snippets, you can observe 32.3% exposure in the CTR of your website. Google has not provided instructions about the featured snippets. If you want to optimize the SEO of a blog for featured snippets, you should try to offer the information that viewers are looking for.

Optimize Older Blog Posts:

Now, the problem is that we forget the blog post after publishing it. It is not a true strategy to optimize the SEO of a blog. After publishing a blog post, you should pay enough attention to its optimization. After publishing the blog post, you should do various things. First, you should promote it on social media sites. If you can’t do this task manually, you can automate this task. Secondly, you should add interlinks in the blog posts. For this reason, you should go back to the blog posts to add relevant internal links. Thirdly, you will have to track the search engine ranking of the blog posts. When you will optimize the older blog posts regularly, you can observe the positive impact on their ranking.

Earn Backlinks to Your Blog:

The backlinks have become a supreme ranking factor in improving the ranking of a website. When you go to optimize the SEO of a blog, you should also try to earn backlinks. There are various methods to earn backlinks for your website. First of all, you can earn backlinks by following the broken link building method. Secondly, you can also generate links for your blog posts by sharing infographics. Thirdly, you can also share guest posts to generate backlinks. Fourthly, you can spy on your competitors to earn backlinks. Fifthly, when you will promote your content on various social media sites, you can also generate backlinks. At last, you can also contact other bloggers for backlinks. While creating the backlinks, you should focus on quality rather than quantity.

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