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Essential Ways to Prep Your House for the Winter Season

Winter is all about getting cozy at home. Winter is also about having hot cocoa and watching movies from the comfort of your blanket – but – the winter season is essentially fierce. Depending on the region where you live, the temperature can be freezing, which is why it is essential to prepare your house and make it winter-ready.

Here is what you can do to make your house winter-ready.

Keep reading!

Re-Caulk Windows & Doors

You will want to assess the windows and doors to see for potential cracks, which could cause the cold air from the outside to enter your house and the warm air inside to escape. If cracked windows and doors go undetected, your monthly utility bills can take a serious toll.

So, before the coldest season hits, you will want to assess the windows and doors and use a good weather-resistant sealant to caulk the windows. This way, you can also benefit the most from your home’s HVAC system. 

We rely on our HVAC system around the year – but – we depend on it entirely during the summer and winter months when the temperatures hit extreme points outside. And by re-caulking the windows and doors, you can ensure that your home stays cozy and warm throughout the winter season.

Clean Gutters

Ideally, you should clean your home’s gutters every season; however, cleaning the gutters before the winter season hits is absolutely critical.

If it snows a lot in your area, you should know that your home is bearing all the extra weight. By cleaning the gutters, you can avoid water damage that can arise from the freezing temperature.

HVAC Maintenance

With proper HVAC maintenance, you will be protecting your investment. You can expect the HVAC system to last at least a decade with proper maintenance. Since we rely on our HVAC system, we will have to maintain it regularly.

You might want to look out for essential tell-tale signs that your HVAC system might be out of order. For instance, if you start getting higher than usual electricity bills – or – you start noticing weird smells or sounds making it harder for you to breathe – these are sins that your HVAC system needs maintenance.

If you notice this – you might want to call the HVAC technician to fix your system. 

Assess Your Roof

Roof assessment is absolutely mandatory – not only in the winter season but also in the summer. The thing about roof assessment is that you need to look out for cracked tiles and missing shingles.

And when it comes to roof maintenance, you will want to fix things instantly instead of delaying things and having to pay more money to fix the damage with a roof replacement.

If you have never climbed up your roof before, you will want to fly a drone over the roof and assess the roof for the safety of your home. We recommend availing the services of a professional roofing service and asking them to assess the roof and fix things where they need fixing.

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