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3 Ways to Manage Your Staffing: The Ultimate Guide

Everyone has to staff at some point, whether it’s for an internal project or an external assignment. Even if you’re not a permanent employee, you might have temporary employees working for you as contractors or freelancers. While every temporary job can feel like a lot of work, they provide great opportunities to grow and learn as well as boost your company’s growth. If managed correctly, they can also be the stepping stone to a full-time job with benefits and direct advancement opportunities. Keeping track of the right number of people is crucial to any business; if you don’t know how many qualified candidates are out there looking for positions or how many qualified people are operating under your company’s umbrella, then sooner or later that will affect your operations negatively. The following blog post will highlight some key factors to consider before hiring staffing agency software that can help manage your staffing in the best possible way.

Hire with Care

First and foremost, you need to ensure that whoever you hire is a good fit for your company and the position. This might be the case for some positions, but not for others. If someone is clearly not a good fit, it will be much harder to train them and get them up to speed, and it can be a costly mistake to hire someone who might sue you for damages or theft of your intellectual property. As a company owner, especially if you’re a small business, you’ve probably got a lot on your plate. It can be easy to forget that some candidates are looking for a job, not a career opportunity. If you’re in a rush to fill a position, choose someone who might not be the best candidate for the job. This will likely lead to more headaches down the road when they don’t work out as expected and might result in a lawsuit.

Transparency Is the Key

Transparency is the key to hiring the right people. It’s especially important if you’re hiring contractors or freelancers who are assisting you on an as-needed basis. You don’t want to leave them wondering about their future with your company — or for that matter, when they can expect payment. If you have a position that’s open for a long time, you can use your website or job postings to let people know that you’re actively looking to fill the position and when they can expect to hear something. This will help you avoid the situation where a hiring manager is frustrated by a contractor who is holding them up when the hiring manager has other projects that need to be completed. You can also set up an online job posting or posting on recruitment sites so that people can apply directly. This will prevent you from hiring the wrong person, but it can also lead to better candidates who are looking for more discreet ways to find work.

Build a Great Recruiting Engine

The best way to build a great recruiting engine is to have a recruitment strategy. This might include placing job postings on sites like LinkedIn, social media channels like Facebook, and other job boards; sending out job postings to your email list; and/or targeting people who have searched for either your company or the job title on job sites. You can also try incorporating recruitment tools like job posting software, which will help you manage your job postings, track applicants’ responses, and send you notifications when jobs are posted online. You can also use Recruiterflow to manage your applicant tracking system (ATS) and applicant tracking software to manage your hiring process.

Don’t Burn Through Funds

Don’t burn through funds or assets on hiring the wrong person. If you hire someone who isn’t a good fit or is a liability, it’s going to be extremely difficult to get rid of them and recover the money that you’ve spent on them. If you’re hiring contractors or freelancers, try to think beyond the cash aspect. What will you lose if they leave? Do your research and find someone who has experience working for similar companies in your industry, but who has also worked for companies in similar industries to your company. This will help you avoid hiring someone who doesn’t know what they’re getting themselves into.

Hold On to High-Quality People

As your company grows, you’ll be tempted to hire more people, especially when they’re actively finding candidates and screening them. However, if you’re not careful, you might end up hiring people who don’t have the experience or qualifications that your core team does. As your company grows, one of the most important things you can do is hire high-quality people to help you manage your staffing operations. If you’re operating a small business and hiring someone full-time, make sure that they also have experience hiring people. You can also hire people as contractors and use a quick project manager/project assistant type of contract. This can help you to manage your staffing while keeping the payroll and other administrative costs down.


The most important thing when hiring staff is to be transparent and to make sure that the person you hire has the necessary skills to help you accomplish your goals. If you have a core team, then it is important to keep everyone on the same page and to ensure that there is enough work for everyone in the team. This will help to avoid burnout, which is a common problem in many companies that have a high staff turnover. If you want to grow your company and be successful, you must have a strong team of staff members that can help you accomplish your goals.

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