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How to Become a Microsoft Certified Professional?

Microsoft tools are one of the most in-demand and demanding tools which are used across businesses, workplaces, and platforms. Whether you are engaged in data entry or analytics, Microsoft training is essential. Be it either to have the skills required to make spreadsheets, collate databases, make presentations, etc., and you are close to becoming proficient with MS. A Microsoft certification requires you to enroll, learn, take the test, and be certified in a major tool of business intelligence.

Why should you need or want a Microsoft certification?

It’s no news that the job market is becoming increasingly competitive. With everyone out to get their hands on the best jobs possible, it becomes necessary to have the best profile suited too. With hands-on training in Microsoft, you become one of the few who can easily navigate the software. This is especially useful if you are looking for a job or a raise to a position that engages in software. Then, a business intelligence course on your resume will shine out from among others who might be just as proficient but lacking certification. Studies have shown a difference of up to 60 percent better hiring of those who are certified. This is more so when many recruiters are actively looking for professionals who can-

  • Create, manage worksheets, workbooks, and tables
  • Manage data cells and ranges
  • Perform operations using formulas and functions
  • Create and manage charts

Who can enroll in a business intelligence certification course for MS?

Well, just about anyone. No prior experience or knowledge is required. You just need to give your time and the best of your learning ability. Depending on your comfort levels, it would take anywhere between 40 to 200 hours of the Microsoft course to achieve proficiency. Once comfortable with Microsoft, you will easily use all its features and tools.

How to get a Microsoft Certification?

There are three basics to the Ms certification, just as you’d have for any other test. Study, practice, and enroll.

  • Microsoft’s official website offers plenty for you to start with. Visit the website, browse and see for yourself the many options they themselves offer. If you zero down to a few, compare and get started. Though you might not find it difficult, it requires one to become aware of most that the latest version of the application offers. A working knowledge is the easiest to grasp and the most helpful.
  • To obtain working-level skills, you’ll need to practice as much as you can. 
  • Several practice tests are available on the internet. If you can, try out a few of them before you get started with the course. This will help you judge the level you are at, and then you can build upon the same. Needless to say, the with more practice, you will be more comfortable when you take the actual tests.
  • The final test would ideally be like the ones you practiced for, comprehensive simulations of problem-based applications upon enrollment. The test is designed in such a manner that one who would be working with those tools on a daily basis (hence practice) would easily ace them. 

Do that, and you have earned yourself an official Microsoft training certificate.

What is the Microsoft training exam like?

The Microsoft training exam is one that is conducted across the globe. It is timed at a duration of 60 minutes and can be taken at any of the recognized centers. The tests are conducted in the presence of representatives of Microsoft and are to be taken seriously just like you would any other examination. The results are available immediately and are displayed once you end the test. The actual certificate will get mailed to you within a few weeks time


It’s more than worth getting a Microsoft Certification. It isn’t too tough, though it is certain to advance your career as long as you can apply its tools in practical places. With Microsoft itself recognizing the training you go through, you get global recognition for working on MS applications. It is no small wonder; recruiters are constantly on the lookout for it as a primary or secondary skill. Consider the cost of getting one, and compare the benefits, and you will definitely see yourself excel.

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